Spread the word! Invite your colleagues and peers to join you at ASVAC 2017 by using ASVAC 2017 promotional toolkit.
Use our Tell A Colleague online form on top of this page to invite your friends and colleagues to join you at ASVAC 2017.
ASVAC 2017 Banners
Use these banners to promote ASVAC 2017 your website, intranet or event calendar.
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Copy and paste this short description of ASVAC 2017 to include in your newsletter, website and event calendar:
We would like to cordially invite you to the 6th Asian Vaccine Conference (ASVAC 2017) to take place in Singapore, 27 – 29 April 2017.ASVAC 2017 is the regional platform where all stakeholders and advocates for wider immunization coverage gather to find comprehensive solutions for the introduction of new vaccines and programmes to eradicate illness.
Together, we will work with Immunization Partners of Asia Pacific (IPAP) to realise the conference theme of ‘#YOLO: Let #VaccinesProtect You’, sharing our knowledge, experience and strategies for the cost-effective introduction of new vaccines.
Mark your calendar and join us in Singapore! Visit www.asvac2017.com for more information.
Use ASVAC 2017 promotional slides at the end of your presentations at appropriate meetings and show on screens at events between presentations.
You can also download our letterhead template to invite your peers to attend to the event.
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